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5 Winter Skin Care Favourites

From my teen years on wards I have struggled with dry skin. Not eczema, just chronically dry skin. I love winter, but I definitely did not love my winter skin a few years ago. It has taken me a while, but I've worked out a care regimen that helps me maintain my skin in winter and might help you if your skin gets drier in the colder months. I've shared 5 of my favourites for those of you in a similar boat this winter.

Stay Hydrated

Ever noticed how your lips get dry when your thirsty? Well, so does your skin! Dehydration can put added stress on your skin, so stay hydrated to avoid the adding stress on dry skin. I have noticed when I stay hydrated my skin does not feel as tight so drink up!

Also make sure your air is "hydrated" too! Lots of houseplants or a cool mist humidifier can do wonders for the air in your home or office.


Exercise boosts circulation. With this comes an increase in oxygen and blood flow which helps your body expel waste products, including free radicals. (Just make sure you stay hydrated after your workouts!) I have a pattern of exercising intermittently. I am consistent for a few weeks or months and then inconsistent again. After a season of consistent workouts I generally find my skin to be clearer and a little less dry.


Dry skin is different from dehydrated skin. Dry skin is lacking in oils whereas dehydrated skin is lacking in moisture in the stratum corneum. My skin is lacking in oils. I use oil in two ways to help my skin. First, I make sure I am getting good oils into my diet, and secondly, I check to see that oil is an ingredient in my external skin care products.

I take an omega 3-6-9 supplement year round, but I increase my dosage in the winter. I noticed a significant improvement in my skin last winter when I upped my dose (and keeping within the recommended limits). I also make sure I am cooking with olive oil, sunflower oil, or adding flax seeds/flax seed oil where I can. These oils have been proven to have health benefits. I do not cook with coconut oil because I find it incredibly frustrating to measure out and because more research needs to be done to help ascertain if it really is beneficial when consumed.

Externally, I actually apply argon oil to my face, and if it feels like a bad skin day I will apply argon oil as a base and then a moisturizing lotion on top. Coconut oil is absorbed quickly by skin, but it does not moisturize my skin very well. However, I love the smell of coconut and will by lotions with coconut oil as an ingredient as long as there are other moisturizing ingredients present.

Body Butter

I am very grateful that my dry skin is concentrated on my face and hands. The rest of my body does well enough as long as I moisturize after showering. I find body lotions too light on the moisture so I opt for body butter. I love Jane + Thunder's body butters because they are free of the top 10 allergens and the ingredients in the butters have long been associated with healthier skin. They also smell wonderful and are safe for your little ones too!

Hand Salve

Hand lotions also don't cut it for my skin in winter so I up the ante by using a hand salve. Hand salves are much thicker than lotions. They moisturize but also include ingredients to help lock that moisture in. If I use the salve before bed I can usually go through the full day before needing to use it again. I've used salves by Green Beaver and Burt's Bees. Both smell a little funny, but I find the relief worth it and the smells dissipate pretty quickly.

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