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Sweet Potato Toast Tested

Here at Evergreen we've stumbled into a "new to us" food trend: Sweet potato toast. I love sweet potato, but I hate how long it takes me to bake it. My fries or medallions usually have a 35-45 minute cook time, so the thought of a recipe that could significantly reduce that time seemed great to me.

We found out about sweet potato toast from this video by Tasty. Since this was my first go at this food, I decided to pick two recipes I could see myself and my family eating regularly if it worked out well enough: PB&B, and Southwestern. But first, I will talk about the "toast" making process before I get into specific recipes.

The whole point of toasting sweet potato is a faster cook time and to replace bread with something more nutritious. I found that toasting sweet potato was faster and that I liked it better than your average slice of bread. (15-20 minutes vs. 35-45 minutes.) So both of these points are indeed advantageous. However, I did find a few difficulties in the toasting process.

I think if I tried to make this again I could reduce the overall toasting time by making my slices slightly thinner. Yet, I also think I might have a hard time making slices actually 1/4" or thinner. There is also the problem of trying to make this for a family. I had to use the toaster oven in order to have enough slices ready at the same time to feed the whole family. Besides these points, I found no other cons and really enjoyed this form of toast.

PB&B: Peanut Butter & Banana Sweet Potato Toast

I chose this recipe because I am a sucker for peanut butter and bananas, and because my toddler also loves this food combination. We both loved it! It was like peanut butter toast on a really dense sweet bread. Creamy, nutty, and sweet. Three of my favourite flavors. Just make sure the sweet potato is cooked through completely because if not this combination will taste a little odd.


Unfortunately, I had just finished moving house and I ended up being short a few ingredients for this recipe. So I simplified it to avocado with tomato instead of corn salsa. (Although, I think this combination would be delicious with corn salsa.) Again, this had a creamy flavor, but this time with a bit of tang and hints of sweetness. Normally, I eat avocado and tomato with salt and pepper on rye bread, but I liked the warmth and the hint of sweetness that came with the sweet potato. I would definitely try this again with the added tang of salsa.

I hope this helps you decide whether or not this food trend would work for you. I found it delicious and am seriously considering trying some different combinations in the future.

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