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Elise Kranz

Elise Kranz

Richard MacIntosh

Richard MacIntosh

Carroll MacIntosh

Carroll MacIntosh

Rebecca MacIntosh

Rebecca MacIntosh

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How is WheatGrass Gluten Free?

When we attend shows and offer samples of our wheatgrass juice, one of the common refusals we get is: "Oh, I'm sorry. I can't have wheat. I'm gluten-intolerant." We love getting this response because it gives us what educators call a "teachable moment."

Evergreen WheatGrass Juice is certified gluten-free. Gluten is not immediately present in wheat when it begins growing. Gluten forms when the plant begins developing seeds. Even though we grow our wheat for 90 days, it is harvested before gluten begins to develop in the plant. This means our juice is gluten-free and we are so confident that it is that we get our product certified.

From our farm to your freezer. Gluten-free wheatgrass juice. Convenient as ever.


Further Reading:

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